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The Benefits of Sensory Deprivation for People with Anxiety

Well for starters, Anxiety disorders are the single most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults, or about 18% of the population. Unfortunately that number continues to rapidly increase over the years. The general cost for anxiety disorders alone in the US is over $42 billion per year and makes up almost ⅓ of the entire mental health bill. They believe the rapid increase is due to the dramatically increased amount of time each person spends on digital technology per day.  Many Americans spend a majority of their day in front of a screen or device, such as, computers, cell phones, tablets, & televisions. In 2018 we were receiving five times the amount of daily information compared to 1986. This a new era and both our brains and our eyes aren’t used to this kind of strain.(Resource: True REST Float spa)

With the large amount of Epsom salt that you are floating in, the waters magnesium inhibits ACTH, a hormone that causes your adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol. Magnesium improves sleep quality, which contributes to feeling less stressed, along with the complete sensory deprivation, you’re bound to feel a weight lifted off of you.

In a recent study it showed that people who floated 8 times in 2 weeks had decreased cortisol levels by 21.6%

Floating gives your brain the type of sensory deprivation it so badly needs; as well as helps with anxiety and depression by minimizing cortisol production. Most people are on medication to treat their anxiety or depression, or both.  But for some, medication is not an option for them, for whatever the reason; floating is open for all people, as it is one, if not the only treatment that is a non-invasive, non-drug induced way to achieve relief and relaxation for the brain/mind. 


Olivia Evitt